Saturday, February 15, 2020

South Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

South Africa - Research Paper Example The cultural diversity influences the business practices, working relations, business hierarchy, and business etiquette within South Africa. In extending its services to South Africa, it is quite significant for Kelly Services to understand the aspects of cultural diversity in South Africa’s business platform (Macleod, 2002). This report will detail the cultural aspects in South Africa’s business field and explain why South Africa will be a good target for Kelly Services. South Africans encourage good working relationships coupled with honesty, trust, and politeness. They have utmost respect for all and derive their moral values from their diverse culture (Bruckner, 2001). South Africans prefer a conservative and formal dressing in all business meetings and practices. Men dress in suits and ties while women wear formal dresses and suits (Macleod, 2002). They prefer handshakes and business cards as they manifest commitment and formality in business (Gorill, 2007). They significantly observe time consciousness and expect honesty and fairness in all business dealings. South Africans business people have abject respect for their business leaders and business organizations. The mode of communication between the employees, employers, and the public is well established. There is sound cooperation between the employees and employers in carrying out business operations. Indeed, the views and interests of employees are highly considered in any organizational decision or change. Hence, all stakeholders participate in running the business enterprises though the management reserves the right of initiating new dimensions and making critical decisions in the business (Gorrill, 2007). South Africans value inclusiveness, fairness, and honesty in all business activities. They equally disregard titles such as Mister or Miss in the context of business operations. They regard them as sources of

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Fidel Castro articulated a revolutionary vision in his 1953 trial Essay

Fidel Castro articulated a revolutionary vision in his 1953 trial defense, known as History Will Absolve Me. Upon what doc - Essay Example Castro was arrested and was sentenced to prison for fifteen years. During his trial in 1959, Fidel Castro had offered a long four-hour speech supporting the cause of the attack he had led and defended himself. This speech was later published in the form of a manifesto in the July 26th Movement which ultimately overthrew the then ruling Batista government and came to power in 1959 1. In the four hour long speech, Fidel Castro tried to speak about how he was denied justice and a fair legal aid. He spoke of how the jurist who was appointed to defend him was not given the permission to meet Castro in the required times. And this was the reason why he chose to defend himself in the trial. The revolutionary instances in the speech In the trial, Castro spoke about the positive intentions behind his actions. He recalled how he was questioned by the prosecutor and a large group of twenty defense attorneys. He had provided them with the correct facts and figures as well as the amount of money spent. He also mentioned the way the money was gathered and the arms rounded up. Castro was fearless in his trial and tried to hide nothing. He mentioned that it was achieved by the sacrifices of the country men who did not have any precedent seen in the history of the Cuban Republic. Fidel had spoken of the missions which inspired them in their national struggle. He also spoke of the humane and generous treatment which the party had faced in times of their adversaries. He stressed that if he was able to mention that the persons falsely accused in the trial were not related with him in any way, it was only because of his comrades and party members who were brave enough to accept their roles. He further mentioned that no amount of pain or suffering could deter their determination in being called as revolutionaries or patriots to their motherland. He spoke of how he and his comrades were kept separate from each other but they all ended up having the same plan and thinking. He then sai d then when revolutionary men carry the same ideals burning in their hearts no form of barrier could isolate them whether it is a prison wall or a sod of cemeteries. It was a single memory, one spirit, a single idea, a combined conscience and a single dignity that helped to sustain them2. He spoke of the different treacherous lies and deceits that were hurled against the freedom fighters. He spoke of the inhuman conditions in which the Cuban revolutionaries were treated3. In another instant, Castro spoke about how he was dishonored by the army personnel who also violated the orders of the court. Castro was even denied from talking with his peers4. These sentiments helped in fuelling the nationalist sentiment and the revolutionary struggle. Key revolutionary laws Fidel Castro had said that dictatorship is an unconstitutional feature5. Castro said that there were five revolutionary laws which could have been implemented after the capture of Moncada Barracks. The first revolutionary la w would return sovereignty and power to its people which would help to proclaim the 1940 Constitution that is the Supreme Law of the State6. The second revolutionary law was to give non-mortgageable as well as non-transferable possession of the land to all the tenants as well as subtenant farmers, lessees, the share croppers and the squatters who were found to hold five caballerias of the lands or even less. The third revolutionary