Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Relationships Affected By Media - 1112 Words

The media The media can come in many forms. From social media, magazines to Television. Although there are fundamental differences the core purpose of all media is communication. Whether it be to inform, entertain or advertise. Communication Communication comes in many forms as well. For example: written or spoken communication. These all involve the the exchange of information through different medias. In order for communication to be carried our correctly, understanding must be accomplished which in turn effects your relationships. Relationships Relationships refer to interaction between yourself and other people. There are many types of relationships. For example: Casual, filial and romantic relationships. The following†¦show more content†¦Some magazines however do provide us information in order help us understand our partner based on gender and age. Reading the newspaper, or watching CNN makes people base most of what they think they â€Å"know† about people on accounts made by other people. For instance: Watching a business story explaining the WhatsApp deal. The reporter will explain the outcome of the deal and show press conferences with all the major stakeholders. Afterwards, there will be an in depth analysis by â€Å"experts† who describe how such deal could take place. People take this â€Å"advice† and use it in the real world to communicate and forge deals of their own. However, people thus do not base their decisions they make in relationships on experience but rather what they see on TV News Channels sometimes censored by a government. Relationships in business should be based on integrity and respect. Not on self gain and â€Å"get rich fast† as most news media propose. News agencies are able to indoctrinate us into what they call â€Å"correct† business relationship values. With news media being able to influence people so easily they also have the ability to eradicate social and moral evils from a society, such as: Racism. In which they get people to understand each other and force good values and beliefs like acceptance and equality. Music media is one of most prevalent (after Television) in an adolescent’s life. Later on, after development a person will chose to likeShow MoreRelatedHow Has Social Media Affected the Relationship Between Celebrities and Fans?1990 Words   |  8 PagesHow has social media affected the relationship between celebrities and fans? These days it seems that the Internet, a post-modern medium, something so complex and vital to our society as being reduce to a mere antiquity of personal feuds and interactive relationships (or at least the satisfaction of what seems like a relationship) between people. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Epidemic Of The United States - 1459 Words

Reason for the case: Epidemic Obesity in the United States Summary Of The Case The problem of obesity has reached the epidemic levels in the US. More than 65% of the American adults are classified obese these days. This is a very huge number. Today Americans are plagued by diseases of which 120000 are because of obesity. An obese person in America is likely to incur $1,429 more in medical expenses annually. Approximately $147 billion is spent in added medical expenses per year within the United States. Although obesity is considered a preventable condition and has been increasing within the United States, no effective treatment has been developed. Health authorities anticipate no change to this vector. Of all the big countries, only†¦show more content†¦More than that, people are reluctant to accept this grim situation and to work towards improving it. US Government is very concerned by this rising obesity in its citizens and is dedicate to work towards it. There are calls to formulate laws which will make it mandatory for restaurants and eateries to make low calorie food. Some local governments have taken steps in this regard with huge success. For example, in the city of Somerville, to Increase access to affordable healthier foods, the government implemented a farmers market that was culturally and economically appropriate for the community. What I did was, promoted the local farmers and spread the awareness regarding organic and natural foods. Similarly, In New York, to decrease the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in children, The NY City Board of Health amended its health code to prohibit serving beverages with added sweeteners and places limits on beverages served in licensed day care facilities. The main problem plaguing the Americans is not only their food but also their lifestyle. Cutting down on Oil and fast food dos help, but in order to stay fit you have to exercise, and sadly not many are ready to do that. Lack of physical activity is a pressing indictment on how the US society has grown over the years. The shift from manual work to computers have also played

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Organic foods Free Essays

Organic foods are defined as foods without pesticides, antibiotics,or gefetically altered organisms. Organic farming began in the late 1940’s in the united states, and in recents years it has grown into a multi-billion dollaer industry. Sales for organis foods in the past decade have increased annually by 20%. We will write a custom essay sample on Organic foods or any similar topic only for you Order Now Its 20% growth is ten times as much as non-organic food’s growth. Organic food makes up only a fraction of the food market even though there are over ten million consumers. The sales of organic foods are expected to climb to over 6 billion dollars within the upcoming years. Soil is also a crucial component of the organic process. Soil is said to be organic when it has been deemed ‘clean’ for three years. Making a commitment to healthy eating is a great start towards a healthier life. Beyond eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats, however, there is the question of food safety, nutrition, and sustainability. How foods are grown or raised can impact both your health and the environment. This brings up the questions: What is the difference between organic foods and conventionally grown foods? Is â€Å"organic† always best? What about locally grown foods? Organic food, natural cleaners, green businesses, even organic clothing; natural and organic products continue to be the centre of attention for those seeking a healthier lifestyle, but just what is organic food, is this organic trend long-lasting, and what organic food facts provide compelling reasons to grow, shop, cook and eat organic food. Today, organic food accounts for 2% of global food sales and is growing at an average rate of 20% each year. Today, you can have your organic food delivered, buy it online, at your local grocery store, grow it yourself and order organic food at many restaurants. This continuing rise in demand creates a need for regulations to protect both consumers and farmers. Organic food is not the same thing as natural food. Natural refers to the way a food is processed rather than the ingredients. A food that is free of additives and preservatives, but contains commercially-produced ingredients, is considered natural. Organic food contains primarily organic ingredients, while natural foods may be made with items grown with the aid of chemicals as well as genetically modified ingredient and it is not just apples and bananas. Nearly every food available also has an organic version in today’s market. Organic milk, chicken, and even pasta can be found right on the shelves of your neighbourhood supermarket. Many leading food manufacturers are creating organic food in convenience packaging to fit into modern lifestyles. Canned organic tomatoes and frozen organic peas are among many options. Organic food is not bland and tasteless. In fact, most people claim organic ingredients are fresher and more flavourful than conventionally grown foods. Chemical residues, added ingredients, and hurried, mass production detract from the natural juices within fruits and vegetables. Organic food is free of chemicals, leaving nothing but pure, fresh flavour. Regulations and procedures for organic certification are still relatively new but organic farming and cultivation are not. Farmers were using natural, chemical-free methods of growing long before pesticides and fertilizers were available. As more research continues to reveal the dangers of these chemicals to both humans and the planet, consumers continue to explore the benefits of organic food. The advantages of arganic food are that you can choose to grow and/or buy food that is healthier for you, and the environment; cooking and eating organically also often offers more flavor and better tasting foods. Use organic farming methods and organic gardening tactics such as organic garden fertilizer and compost to grow your food; the organic food advantages and organic food benefits are significant for you, your family and the planet. Organic food benefits have been a hot topic for more than a decade now but it wasn’t until relatively recently that these advantages were supported by more than just hearsay. Extensive research conducted over a number of years has proven that organic food not only tastes better than commercial foods, but it is also better for us and our children, as well as our animals, wildlife, and the environment as a whole. Care and maintenance of soil, and preventive farming methods like crop rotation create fruits and vegetables that contain up to 50% more vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients than intensively farmed foods. Encouraging natural and organic farming methods and gardening practices, will allow organic soil to rebuild and contribute healthy vitamins and minerals to feed the crops, and you. Organic foods have higher levels of many disease-fighting antioxidants and essential vitamins, including Vitamin C. Industrial pesticides and fertilizers used in intensive farming contain synthetic, toxic chemicals, residues of which remain in the food they are involved in producing. Organic farming uses natural, synthetic-chemical-free methods that produce foods much safer for the humans, as well as the animals, that consume them. And if you grow your own fruits and vegetables, using organic garden fertilizer, natural pesticide methods, and organic soil Such chemicals are responsible for a number of common allergies and have also been linked to serious diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. An organic diet significantly lowers these risks. How to cite Organic foods, Papers Organic Foods Free Essays Are Organic Foods All They Are Hyped Up To Be: An Overview Of The Organic Food Industry Today, with cancer and obesity cases increasing quickly, people are turning their attention to the foods they are consuming. Such diets as the vegan, vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, paleo, raw, and locavore are becoming more and more popular. The one thing these diets all have in common is the belief that organic foods are better than conventional foods. We will write a custom essay sample on Organic Foods or any similar topic only for you Order Now Similar to conventional foods, organic foods contain chemicals and toxic bacteria, emit more greenhouse gases, and are not sustainable. The chemicals in organic foods cause harm to people and the environment. Furthermore, organic foods travel long distances, producing larger amounts of greenhouse gases and changing the nutritional content of the food. Organic foods also use more land and produces less food. Though there is much hype about eating organic produce, consumers may want to weigh out their options. Most people believe organic foods are better for you and the environment because they do not use chemicals. For instance, The USDA website states that organic foods are foods that are produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients; bioengineering; sewage sludge; or ionizing radiation (USDA). The truth is organic foods claim to be chemical-free except the organic pesticides they are allowed to use are so dangerous they have been â€Å"grandfathered† with current regulations and are not required to undergo strict modern safety tests. For example, organic farmers are allowed to use copper to treat fungal diseases on their farmland crops. Copper is not biodegradable and stays in the soil forever and is toxic in excessive amounts to the human body (Johnston). Another example is in India, who is a large manufacturer and exporter of organic foods to the United States. It has recently been estimated that 75% of India’s surface water is contaminated by human and agricultural wastes (Michael). Organic foods can be just as harmful to humans and our environment. There is also debate whether ingesting harmful chemicals, which are sprayed during conventional farming methods in order to kill other living organisms, are toxic to the human body. Because organic foods do not use fungicides and such, they are also frequently contaminated with bacteria and naturally occurring toxins that are harmful for human digestion (Miller). Studies have been performed to test the harmful effects to humans from organic chemicals. A recent study released by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) of 110 people and 358 matched controls showed two organic pesticides commonly used today, rotenone and paraquat, are linked to the development of Parkinson’s disease in humans. Use of either of these pesticides makes people 2. times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease. Rotenone prevents the mitochondria from making necessary energy within cells. Similarly, paraquat produces excessive harmful oxygen by-products that are harmful to cellular structures (NIH). Furthermore, A 2007 Study of Use of Products and Exposure-Related Behavior (SUPERB) surveyed 364 children between ages two and five in order to compare toxin consumption and cancer risk factors. Research found all children examined had excessive amounts of arsenic, dieldrin, DDE and dioxins, all known to cause cancer. In addition, over 95% of preschool children had unacceptable amounts of acrylamide; a cooking byproduct found in potato and tortilla chips, also know to cause cancer (University of California). With so many pesticides and toxins, organic or not, proving to be harmful to the human race, it is difficult to understand what the best options are. Research concludes all chemicals, natural or synthetic, are damaging to the human body and the environment. So the question remains, is it better for people to ingest organic and synthetic chemicals or harmful bacteria and toxins? Organic foods travel long distances and may be more damaging to the earth. Rich Pirog, the associate director of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, states that food travels 1,500 miles on average from farm to consumer, giving birth to the term â€Å"food miles†(DeWeerdt). Priog’s team concluded that conventional food distribution systems used four to 17 times more fuel and emitted five to 17 times more CO2 than the local and regional systems. However, Priog mentions that food miles are a good measure of how far food has traveled. But they’re not a very good measure of the food’s environmental impact (DeWeerdt). For instance, heated greenhouse tomatoes in Britain use up to 100 times more energy than those produced in fields in Africa (Johnston). Another example is our country’s largest retailer for organic foods, Whole Foods. They actually purchase most of their products from China and only mention it in small fine print on the back of the products. Upon choosing your produce, it is helpful to check the label to identify the food miles accumulated. Media and advertisements lead people to believe organic produce has a greater nutritional value than conventional foods. The USDA website makes no claims that organically produced food is safer or more nutritious than conventionally produced food (USDA/Miller). Likewise, the United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency reported that there is no proof organic food is more nutritious than conventionally grown varieties (Taverene). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the organic food industry. Their standards have recently been scrutinized for allowing minimal amounts of approved chemicals. The EPA suggests the minimal traces of dangerous chemicals found in organic or conventional foods are not harmful to humans. However, studies report children and elderly are at the greatest risk of the damaging effects from chemicals. Charles Benbrook, previously a chief scientist for the Organic Center, states that the best benefits of organic foods are for children, pregnant women, and elderly who all tend to have weakened immune systems. Furthermore, he also reports studies that have followed pesticide levels in pregnant women’s blood and found their children to score four to seven percent lower on IQ tests compared to their classmates (Chang). Organic foods are a wise choice for certain populations. Most people choose organic products believing they are sustainable. Organic farms yield 20-50% less produce compared to conventional farms, making organic farming a less efficient use of land. For example, organic potatoes use less in terms of fertilizer production and/or energy, but require more fossil fuel for plowing. For example, a hectare of conventionally farmed land produces 2. 5 times more potatoes than an organic one. Subsequently, if only organic foods were available, half the current human population would starve to death (Taverene). Orgainc foods tend to cost more than conventional foods. Although organic food yields are less, prices are as much as triple the cost of conventional foods (Taverene). This is due to the greater amounts of labor involved with organic farming procedures. Organic farmers are also held legally responsible for cross-contamination by genetically engineered foods, which in turns raises costs of organic produce. Organic farming uses fewer chemicals, which in turn promotes greater farmland biodiversity. According to the Organic Trade Association, organic fields also require less irrigation, reduce pollutants in ground water and create richer soils that aid plant growth while reducing erosion. Organic methods also minimize pesticides that can end up in your drinking glass. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reports various cities in the United States to have unsafe levels of tap water consistently for weeks at a time (DeWeerdt). Some studies show no benefit to people consuming organic foods. Although high doses of pesticide cause cancers and birth defects, there is no evidence proving the miniscule amounts of chemicals found in conventional foods are damaging to human health. Some studies released show cancer occurrences among farmers, who are often exposed to relatively high levels of these chemicals, are no more frequent than in other occupations. Furthermore, during the last fifty years, during a time when synthetic chemicals became the industry standard for food production, the average life expectancy has increased by over seven years (Chang). Organic foods claim to have more nutritional content than conventional foods. However, every fruit and vegetable has differing nutritional composition, which depends on a wide variety of factors including but not limited to growing conditions and season, fertilizer administration, and means of crop protection (i. e. , herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, etc. ) Food products from animal sources also differ in nutritional contents depending on such factors as age, breed and feeding routine of the animal. Furthermore, the nutritional compositions of raw foods increase during processing, transportation, storage, and cooking before consumption (DeWeerdt). Locally grown food decreases the transportation period, resulting in less carbon emissions to the environment and less oxidization to the produce, therefore providing better nutritional content (Chang). Furthermore, organic food usually tastes better, contains no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides, which are known to cause cancer, and are more often locally grown. Furthermore, the USDA describes organic food as, food produced by farmers who promote the use of renewable resources and the conservation of water and soil to improve the quality of the environment for future generations  (USDA). Organic foods are not always better than conventional foods. It must be considered the bacteria and toxins remaining on organic produce, the environmental effects and chemical additions in order to make an adequate decision of what type of produce to purchase. After studying the USDA food pyramid logo, it is apparent that the federal government encourages consuming more fruits, vegetables, and grains without any evaluation of the current farming procedures that manufacture these foods. The food pyramid also suggests an apple is an apple and that we should be eating more apples and less processed foods, sugars and fats. (Michael) How to cite Organic Foods, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Communication Patterns- MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communicationfor Written Communication Patterns. Answer: Examples of Humor in the United States that U.S Persons Expect Foreigners to Understand Humor is described as a phenomenon that is influenced by the culture of the individual and thus it becomes difficult to define the sense of humor that an individual may have. However, humor has been defined as something that may be funny, comical or amusing. It is associated with intelligence and part of what makes the society a better place to be(Jie 2016). Different nations and cultures have different have their own humor which varies from one to another. Sometimes people believe that same language like for example American and British share English but their humor is quite different making it difficult for people from the two sides to understand the humor that each of the culture has. American comedy is commonly Slapstick and physical being based around pratfalls and mild comic violence. This thus makes the humor more physical with lots of action based on laughing at stupid mistakes or clumsy accidents. For example April fools day is a playful holiday celebrated by American with a sense of humor. This day entails playing practical jokes that are planned ahead of time by doing something clumsy or stupid like changing the physical environment to cause something to happen. After playing the joke, the members shout April fools day making the fool to see the humor in the joke(Mousseau-Douglas 2015). This makes American jokes straightforward and more obvious like the lifestyle that they lead. The humor lacks a sense of emotion that is buried in unlike the British way of doing things. This makes the humor more open rather than satirist or exaggerating. Insults are also common in American humor where insults and impersonations are used to crack jokes and create humor. This is criticizing others personality, behavior or looks to make others laugh. For example Robin Williams was known for the jokes that led to impersonation and funny characters that create humor. This entails insults that create humor but real sense they do not mean what they are saying. For example Americans use funny words in their conversation like mother fucker when referring to a male person while bitch is used to mean a female person(Denslov, Tinkham and Willer 2014). On the other hand insults are common in American slung with the use of the word fuck you or the finger sign to mean acknowledging what the other person says. When an American is impressed with something they will always say fuck you while when they are not interested they will say go fuck yourself. Many American televisions shows use sarcasm and situational irony to create humor. This entails use of puns that create a lot of irony in the humor. This humor and irony mostly revolves around American culture highlighting the problems that the country experiences. This jokes seeks to create humor by criticizing American customs, news, celebrities, and politicians to create strange funny ideas about American habits. This humor may not be understood well by a foreigner who comes from a different culture like the British(Kohut 2006). However, when Americans use irony they tend to explain that they were just joking rather than meaning what the message was being passed in the humor(YANG 2010). This is based on the upbringing that Americans have been brought with which is based on the struggle as the real American dream. For example when some says if you dont come out today, I am going to shoot you! then an American will add something like just kidding since most Americans do not like usi ng irony on each other if it may cause damage. This is because Americans are used to guns. Therefore humor is based on cultural influences that a country has to determine what is humorous and what is not. This is based on historical developments that a country has gone through and the cultural developments that define the relationships that people have(Pegg 2007). Since language is part of culture, it means that culture will largely shape how language is used within a certain set up, country or region. Business Communication Corporate communication is based on passing messages between organizations in different environments and cultures. It is worth noting that even though English is just similar, there are differences in written English which differed between American and British English. On the other hand, conventional formal writing styles vary from language to language. For example English, German, French, Chinese or Korean have different conventional writing ways that define the culture of the country. Without clear understanding of international English, users are prone to lexical errors which may carry different meanings. To internalize this writing styles individuals need to be guide on how to use writing styles and tones that appear in different languages. This is understanding communication and writing approaches that can be used to ensure that they respect the background of the language being used(Anonymous Anonymous). This includes how salutations, dates, diplomatic titles and greetings are u sed in business communication. With different communication tools like the facsimile machine, telephones, emails and letters, preference levels will vary from one country to another. With globalization affecting almost every business environment, organizations have gone global in their business expanding their operations beyond the mother country. This means that the way recruitment is handled in the existing countries may vary depending on how the country runs the process. For example the way resumes are written in United States, Canada, China and France will vary which means that the process and communication process needs to be tailored according to the country context rather than standards in the mother country. Therefore Newman and Ober (2013) suggest that business communication is an important element in coordination of business initiatives in a certain country. Expatriates need to understand the cultural elements of the country they are working in and probably undergo intercultural training as a way of ensu ring that they understand and appreciate cultural contains within the country and how they affect the overall nature of communication. References Anonymous. Anonymous. "Written Communication Patterns." In Anonymous, by Anonymous, 138-174. Denslov, Lanie, May Tinkham, and Patricia Willer. 2014. Introduction to American Life. U.S Culture Series, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. https://www.nafsa.org/uploadedFiles/NAFSA_Home/Resource_Library_Assets/Publications_Library/american_life.pdf?n=4371. Jie, Zhang. 2016. "James Thurbers Humor Represents Typical American Humor." Sino-US English Teaching 13 (5): 395-400. Kohut, Andrew. 2006. America Against the World. Times Books. Mousseau-Douglas, Emily. 2015. "Whats So Funny: Comedy in America." The Morning Side Review, January 7. https://morningsidereview.org/essay/whats-so-funny-comedy-in-america/. Newman, Amy, and Scott Ober. 2013. Business Communication: In Person, In Print. 8th. Mason: South-Western Print. Pegg, Simon. 2007. "What are you laughing at?" The Guardian, February 10. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2007/feb/10/comedy.television. Yang, L. M. 2010. Contemporary college English. Beijing: Beijing: Foreign Language and Reach Press.