Monday, August 24, 2020


A portion of his vocation moves Include filling in as an organist to the Duke of Whimper from 1708 to 1 71 7, moving to Cotton to e the pioneer of an ensemble to Prince Leopold from 1717 to 1 723, and afterward Bach was named Cantor of the SST Thomas School. By 1725, he has composed 2 complete patterns of cantatas. By 1729 he has composed 4 complete patterns of cantatas (200 cantatas! ). In 1748, Bach was losing his vision and in the long run went dazzle. He kicked the bucket in 1750 at the age of 65.Bach's Lutheran confidence was a significant part of his music life, where he composes â€Å"To the Glory of God† in a considerable lot of his works. He was an ace of contrapuntal expressions and made the very much tempered tuning framework we use right up 'til the present time. In the course of his life Bach has created more than 1000 melodic works. Preface and Fugue in C minor Is a tune In Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier written In 1722. It contains 24 preface and fugue which shows the Well-Tempered tuning framework that Bach help create.The Well-Tempered tuning Is not careful, which makes It conceivable to play every one of the 12 significant and minor keys-which was never done. The Prelude in C minor beginnings with quick sixteenth notes in never-ending movement. A monophonic connection occurs in measure 25 which prompts severe impersonation until measure 28. After, it comes back with quick 1 sixth notes in referral movement followed by a 2 measure cadenza-like section beginning on measure 34.Near the finish of the Prelude there is a tonic pedal point and afterward the preface closes with a Picador finishing (a minor piece finishing with a tonic significant group of three) from C minor to C major. The Fugue starts with a subject made out of 1 sixth and eighth notes. At that point there Is a song In the predominant key with slight modification called the apparent answer. The tune proceeds with the countermeasure. The center area Is felled with consecutive ma terial In which the subject Is missing. The tonic pedal shows up In the end and the subject Is played one keep going and finishes on E regular.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Daisy Miller a Hero Essay Example for Free

Daisy Miller a Hero Essay A saint is an individual, whom regardless of what the circumstance is, consistently is by all accounts ready to move toward circumstance with a daring and fearless disposition, and can is regularly respected by many. The epic Daisy Miller by Henry James is an anecdotal tale about the life of an American young lady in Europe and the circumstances that she encounters. Daisy responds to these circumstances with a dauntless and bold methodology. Her activities appear to influence each character in the story and are misperceived by many. Daisy reliably had the fortitude to confront different Americans, the characters who adjusted to the European culture, despite the fact that they kept on forcing her, and won by not fitting in with European culture. Daisy is a legend in this story in view of the manner in which she drew closer and took care of circumstances. A significant clash in the story is the conflict of American culture and European culture. Daisy is continually tossed into circumstances where she is forced to fit in with some conventional European method of getting things done. Daisy doesn't let this weight get to her. She rather keeps on acting unafraid of what may befall her. The content shows numerous instances of this. A significant social clash that occurred in the novel is when Daisy is strolling around the Pinchio with Mr. Winterbourne and Mr. Giovanelli. Mrs. Walker comes up in her carriage and asks Daisy to get in as a result of what her notoriety may become since she was strolling around with two men ( ). After Daisy can't, Mrs. Walker says â€Å"should you incline toward being thought an extremely careless young ladies? what's more, even gets Mr Winterbourne included by having him offer his input which agreed with Mrs. Walker’s( ). In the wake of analyzing the content, the peruser sees that Daisy reacts with a valiant and gallant way, which in a way can likewise be contrasted with a statement from Emerson’s Self Reliance, â€Å"to be incredible, is to be misconstrued. † â€Å"â€Å"If this is ill-advised, Mrs Walker,† she persued, â€Å"then I am all ill-advised, and you should give me up†Ã¢â‚¬  is a statement that delightfully shows Daisy’s chivalrous by and by not being threatened from the weights of society. Another contention in the novel was that at specific spots at specific occasions, the odds of getting intestinal sickness were high. While huge numbers of local people chose to avoid these territories, Daisy decided to not live dread. This courage that Daisy showed, prompted Mr. Winterbourne standing up to her and Mr. Giovanelli at the open air theater late around evening time about her getting the Roman fever (). Giovanelli reacted to Winterbourne by saying he educated Daisy it was a â€Å"grave indiscretion† which Daisy reacted with judiciousness (). Indeed, even since Daisy was seriously cautioned about the malady she despite everything demonstrated no dread and indicated how she could be a motivation to other ladies by saying she made some flawless memories seeing the open air theater by moonlight and in the event that she felt any risk she would take a few pills (). â€Å"I don’t care,† said Daisy in a little odd tone, â€Å"whether I have Roman fever or not† shows how Daisy would not let dread direct her life( ). Daisy Miller was a legend in view of the daring characteristics that she showed in the novel Daisy Miller. She may not show the regular generalizations of other fictionalized saints, for example, flying or x-beam vision, yet she has effect on individuals, particularly ladies, on how they can act paying little heed to what culture they are from. This view on life is significant on the grounds that it shows young ladies, that they are engaged to deal with circumstances in any case they like. In any event, when she kicked the bucket, numerous individuals appeared at her memorial service and respected her. Giovanelli even expressed at her memorial service that out of the considerable number of ladies she was the â€Å"most honest † ( ).

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Newly Admitted Student Events

Newly Admitted Student Events… Hi! I’m Katie Kelley, one of the Admissions Counselors here at MIT, and now that I have emerged from my first season of reading MIT Applications its time to start meeting you all! Kim was kind enough to let me guest post on her blog to let you know about some exciting opportunities for Admitted Students. Although a lot of my time is spent preparing for Campus Preview Weekend (sign up now!) I’ve been working with our fantastic Alumni to put together Admitted Student Gatherings to welcome you. Beginning Saturday MIT alumni from around the world will host parties in their hometowns for students admitted to the Class of 2015. If theres one in your area, you should check it out its a great opportunity to meet some potential future classmates, as well as MIT students and alumni. Here are a few highlighted events this coming week; see your MyMIT portal for the locations and times for these events, and for a list of all of the events. Saturday • Stop by Fairfield, CT, the headquarters of engineering giant GE and spend a bit of the afternoon in the home of a wonderful MIT Alum. Sunday • Enjoy a sunny Sunday afternoon picnic with the MIT Club of Central Florida. Monday • Join the MIT Club of Colorado, the MIT Alumni Association and MIT President Susan Hockfield for a night of celebration at Red Rocks. Wednesday • Swinging through the Big Apple? Stop by one of our biggest Admitted Student Meetings on the East Coast. • Calling all Canadians! Live near Toronto? Stop by! • Attend the first meeting held in the Rose City (Portland) in at least 5 years and meet some fellow Oregonians. Thursday • Come hear MIT Professor David Parks speak in Providence, RI • Mingle with the enthusiastic alumni of the Volunteer State in Memphis. Friday • Head up near Iowa State University in Ames and hear about life in Boston from an MIT Alum and MIT ’15 Parent. • Hang out at Prestolite Electric Incorporated with MIT admits, students and alums from around the Great Lakes region. Saturday • Watch the MIT Chorallaries perform in San Francisco. • Attend one of the three events happening across China at 12:30pm. Sunday • Gather with all the MIT locals from the Bay State. • Stop by the home of a Kansas City MIT Alum for a lovely Sunday afternoon. Be sure to check the listing on your MyMIT account for the most up to date information and RSVP if requested. There is a whole MIT community that cannot wait to meet you. Congratulations and welcome! -Katie

Friday, May 22, 2020

Malaysian Architecture Crisis Within By Mohammad...

‘Malaysian Architecture: Crisis Within’ by Mohammad Tajjudin Haji is an analysis and critique of the struggle to develop a Malaysian architectural identity. His introduction mentions the peculiarity of such a search; since one must first either not have an identity, or has lost his/her identity, in order to begin such a quest. Whether this is a conscious effort by the people and the government, or a colonial progression that does not confront any architectural conscious resistance, the author attempts to classify the different perspectives applied for the development of an architectural Identity (Mohammad Rasdi 2005). ‘Identification of Malay vernacular spatial features within vernacular houses’ by Ghaffarian Hoseini is an analysis of the third International Conference on Arts in Society. The use of local building materials to construct housing that makes such good use of passive energy that almost no extra energy is required to maintain the housing is another remarkable feature of vernacular architecture. In other words, vernacular architecture provides the local inhabitants with a comfortable living environment while at the same having minimum impact on the natural environment. Quantitative assessment of indoor vernacular thermal environment Many vernacular housing environment employ passive technology that was developed for such purposes as safety, hygiene, health or comfort using the limited technical resources available in the days before modern technology

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Concept Of Iago By William Shakespeare - 1163 Words

â€Å"The Concept of Iago† William Shakespeare’s plays all have a common theme: death. There is almost always death, and the play of â€Å"Othello† is no different since it ends in a â€Å"tragedy.† It begins with a man named Iago who speaks to Roderigo of how he should have received the position of lieutenant that was instead given to Cassio, a inexperienced man in his words, by Othello, the General. Iago shows distaste towards Othello, the play then goes through the story of Iago attempting to receive the position of lieutenant, that he believes should have been his in the first place, this is what left the belief that Iago is an â€Å"evil† or â€Å"villainous† man. But this logic is flawed since he’s most likely only perceived this was because of the death of†¦show more content†¦As Raatzsch wrote in his book, called â€Å"The Apologetics of Evil: The case of Iago†, that Iago is merely a man who has been â€Å"rejected and despised† not to me ntion that his service and qualifications have been â€Å"downgraded† therefore made to feel insecure and vulnerable. This leads to the belief that Iago only acted to plot against others for the fact that Iago feels inferior, so he has to beat others in order to feel better. This leaves the topic that Iago has done all of these cruel things as a â€Å"defense mechanism† (Gill XI). â€Å"... The more willing we are to accept the fact that in our story such a motive is poorly developed, the easier it will be for us to understand the traditional form of this story as a disguise for something else,† (Raatzsch 33). The quote means that Iago’s motives are the real idea behind his actions, the â€Å"disguise† is vulnerability left as defense mechanisms and the real idea is what he represents, as Raatzsch has stated: it is the â€Å"concept of Iago† that is the real motive for the course of the plays tragedy. George Bernard Shaw, even goes as far as calling him as the â€Å"prince of villains† for his sharp insight on the other characters as Iago takes the situations at hand and tries to benefit from it, as opportunist you may say. But Iago s sharp insight is what leaves the questions whether Iago has really â€Å"manipulated† the situation when his sharp insight could allow him to see the weakness and insecurity in the other characters that lead themShow MoreRelatedDramatic Irony Used for Characterization in Othello by Shakespeare713 Words   |  3 PagesCaine,] Batman; The Dark Knight). William Shakespeare uses a variety of literary devices throughout his works, but his use of dramatic irony specifically puts his readers at the edge of their seats. Being full of jealousy and betrayal, the plot of Othello is guided by this playwright’s usage of dramatic irony. Through the use of dramatic irony and characterization Shakespeare creates Iago, the most sinister character in all of literature. William Shakespeare, being born on April 23, 1563Read MoreEssay The Tragedy of Othello1292 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare masterfully crafted Othello, the Moor of Venice as an Aristotelian tragedy play. The main protagonist of the play, Othello, is the perfect example of a tragic hero. Shakespeare was influenced by Aristotle’s concept of a tragic hero and used Aristotle’s principles to create Othello. William Shakespeare attempted to create an Aristotelian tragedy play with a tragic hero and succeeded in Othello, the Moor of Venice by weaving in pity and fear into each line and action. The powerRead MoreMarriage in Othello834 Words   |  4 Pagesare supposed to work through their problems and support each other. In William Shakespeare’s play Othello, he suggests otherwise. Both Desdemona and Emilia were killed by their husbands. The only girl left at the end of the play is Bianca, a prostitute. Marriage, while generally a positive concept, is fatal and dangerous in William Shakespeare’s play Othello. Both Desdemona and Othello were happy with their marriage until Iago purposely sabotaged it. He convinced Othello that Desdemona was cuckoldingRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Othello By William Shakespeare757 Words   |  4 Pages The Tragedy of Othello by William Shakespeare William Shakespeare uses many literary devices to enhance and provide greater complexity in his works. More specifically, the theme, symbolism, and dramatic irony are used to enrich Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello. The plot is definitely engaging but the theme allows for an universal human correspondence, furthering the depth of the author’s message. The element of symbolism contributes to the theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy. Symbolism expressesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello As A Tragic Hero1323 Words   |  6 Pagesown demise. William Shakespeare’s Othello the Moore of Venice is a play about a heroic individual that goes through a tragic event based on his decisions throughout the play. Many of the characters that Shakespeare presents in his plays reveal attitudes and value that is reflective of both the Elizabethan society in sixteenth century England and William Shakespeare; these values are evident in the context of the Venetian society th at Othello takes place in. Through Othello Shakespeare embodies hisRead More Iagos Manipulative Nature in Shakespeares Othello Essays1109 Words   |  5 Pagesit would appear that Iago has an exceptional ability to scheme, a talent which he uses to snake his way into the lives of others and exploit them through their weaknesses. Whether he does this for profit or for pleasure is a separate issue. Throughout the course of the play, Iago crosses the path of each major character we encounter. Though his effect varies according to characters, he is a presence in the life of each. Rodrigo, Othello and Desdemona who each allow Iago to demonstrate his capacityRead MoreSocial Context of Othello667 Words   |  3 Pagescourt were the first to watch a production of William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello.† The famous playwright was in the midst of his tragedy period, penning such classics as â€Å"Hamlet,† â€Å"King Lear,† and â€Å"Macbeth.† The story of â€Å"Othello† has its roots in the historical events and cultural atmosphere of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. It was a common practice of playwrights at the time to borrow or lift plot ideas from other preexisting stories, and Shakespeare was no exception to the rule. The plot ofRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello889 Words   |  4 Pagesthey saw as issues in their respective cultures and societies. William Shakespeare in one of his most famous plays Othello lies out a problem which he thought was pertinent enough for him to deal with directly, that is the problem of race. Othello was a Moor, a man of African descent who was put in a hostile situation by being put in Venice a primarily white society. The role of race in Othello and the kind of language used by Shakespeare throughout the play point towards Othello’s race and how othersRead MoreA Malevolent Villain Essay1086 Words   |  5 Pagesto the plot and tension of the work. Another malicious character is Iago, the villain in one of William Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies, Othello. In this play Iago sets out to destroy Othello for multiple reasons, most of which are unsubstantiated imaginings. Iago’s role as a malicious villain is evidenced by his misogynist, racist, and manipulative behaviors. The first evidence of Iago’s malicious villainy is his misogyny. Iago hates women and repeatedly debases sex. He is cruel to his wife andRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Othello, The Moor1720 Words   |  7 PagesJuly 2015 Outline. Thesis: The tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice written by William Shakespeare, the author uses a characters to express the complex social circumstance of race at the time and how the white men’s ideas about black people leads to their hate and downfalls throughout the play. Sociological Approach. I. Summary plot. II. Description of the main characters and racial influence on the plot. A. Iago, and his motives of racism. B. Brabantio, and induced racism. C. Roderigo, subliminal

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Community Book Festival Free Essays

Every day hundreds, if not thousands of families look forward to their local upcoming weekend activities. For some, it is the local fair that rolls into town with the rides for their children. Others, it is a walk on the water front with good food and drinks. We will write a custom essay sample on Community Book Festival or any similar topic only for you Order Now For most, it is time to relax, have a cold drink, and enjoy things like Seafair in Washington State, or the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach for Southern California residents. Without local non-profit organizations, most of your favorite weekend activities would not exist.Non-profit organizations support many local events, as well as community programs that would not normally receive assistance. For a non-profit organization to flourish, it must have organization, structure, income, volunteers, a location, and events to move it forward. However, sometime with the fluctuation of the economy, it can make things difficult for the non-profit to move forward or even survive. Local and National Economic Impact For nearly 3 years, the United States has suffered a recession of epic proportions. Charity and non-profit organizations are suffering more than ever as Americans struggle to save every penny possible.According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, in December 2007, the United States’ economy fell into recession. However, Dick Conway, a local economist and co-publisher of The Puget Sound Economic Forecaster, reported the Puget Sound region did not enter one until the end of 2008. Conway suggests that, â€Å"All of this is related to the collapse of the credit and housing markets† (James, 2009, para. 5). Because of this weak economy, not only nationally, regionally, and in local cities such as Seattle, citizens are much less likely to donate to worthwhile causes such as a non-profit community book drive. Especially with unemployment in Washington state being as high as it is (9. 1%, about 323,400 people), and a record amount of deficit in the state budget, there is not much extra money to spread around. Mass layoffs in state jobs have increased with the recession. Some of the states’ largest companies are also feeling the sting of the drop in the economy. For example, in February 2010, the Seattle Times reported that Boeing issued a total of 1,020 layoff notices lasting 60 days, with 520 occurring locally. This came after 25 layoff notices in January â€Å"Boeing hands out 1,020 layoff warnings†, 2010, para. 1). The Seattle Times also reports as of May 2009, another local company, Microsoft, was laying off employees affecting about 1,200 positions in Washington State. The official company statement said, â€Å"As part of the plan we announced in January to reduce costs and increase efficiencies, today we are eliminating additional positions across several areas of the company. While job eliminations are always difficult, we are taking these necessary actions in response to the global economic downturn† (Chan, 2009, para. 1, 4).These 2 companies, along with state jobs, are responsible for most of Washington’s economy. However, traditionally most people who live in the Northwest are very caring people and are always willing to help those in need, no matter what. However, like in any endeavor, organization is essential. Organization of Book Festival Organization is crucial to successfully completing almost any task. Choose when and where the non profit book festival is going to take place. Once a non profit book festival has been chosen, first thing, it is essential to get organized right at the beginning.The first step to successful organization of a book festival is planning as far in advanced as possible and gathering plenty of volunteers. Along with recruiting volunteers, be sure to bring in some teachers, librarians, authors, and reading specialists to help bring credibility to the festival. Try to gather community support by seeking volunteers from city officials, school district faculty, city, and county volunteers as well. Last, but certainly not least, be sure to get students and parents involved, which will bring added enthusiasm to the project. Now the ball is rolling and there are plenty of volunteers that are willing and able to contribute on various levels to ensure a successful non profit book festival. Second step to a well organized non profit book festival is to begin to spread the word on all levels of available media. People need to know all about the non profit book festival, from when, where, what, and who is going to be there. With so much technology available to people today, there are many avenues to approach advertising the book festival. Do not get overwhelmed with how to advertise.It is essential to remember, this is a non profit book festival, so people need to be resourceful and utilize what is available. Some very useful forms of advertising may be school newsletters, websites, signs, flyers, and local newspapers. Third step to a successful non profit book fair is to remember it is a fair. A fair is supposed to be fun and appealing to all age levels, especially to students and readers. The book festival must be visually appealing, much like a carnival or fair. Make colorful displays with themes such as emphasis on a specific holiday, animals, undersea life, authors, and reading levels.Good visual appeal will draw the readers to view all the book festival has to offer. Remember, â€Å"Organization, communication, and a dash of fun will make your book fair an event to remember† (Prato, 2010, para. 1). To showcase such an event, funds will need to be secured. Location, Advertising, and Disbursements One of the most difficult challenges of the nonprofit community book festival will fall on the location of the event. The most logical location will probably be at the cities biggest and most popular library. Using this location should help publicize the event. Advertising will also be a factor to the success of the festival.Good advertising through the city, local newspapers, and internet will provide good coverage for the event. Covering these bases will help build a good planning structure for the actual event. The community book festival will need to be eye-catching and interactive to help promote individuals to donate and support the event. One idea is setting up autograph booths from well renowned authors, as well as up and coming local authors to promote their books. This will give readers a chance to meet the author, check out their other favorite books, and show the support needed for the festival.Catering the event will also be a necessity to provide finger foods and drinks to all guest and attendees for the event. To help promote more funds, a raffle and contest will be set up such as: speed-reading contest, a question game of how well you know your author, and raffling off books and gifts. This is a nonprofit event all funds will go towards covering the cost of the event. The disbursements of the total amount of income received from the fundraiser will be distributed by the person in charge of all the funds, usually an accountant in the committee. All monies collected prior to the event will help pay for the location, catering, and most of the events activities. Funds that are collected during the event will also help cover some of the event activities, as well as payment of the author’s time to come to the event. Since we are a nonprofit organization, the idea will be to have the authors come on a charity basis, but if there is some cost to having authors come to the event the monies collected can help secure that issue.All other funds left over will be allocated to the city’s library system to help cover any cost for repairs or upgrades to these facilities. Fundraising Many non-profit organizations coordinate and participate in fundraising. There are countless ways to assist companies reach their financial goals. A key component to fundraising is to plan, plan and plan. There is nothing more frustrating to attend a sponsorship or activity that has not been well thought out and organized. Therefore, there are a few basic steps and traditions to fundraising.The most customary way to fundraise a non-profit organization is through a variety of grants. The first step towards being awarded a grant is to create a proposal and then transition into grant writing. Grant writing is a tool to help gain support and money to sustain the cause. One good resource to issue grants is through the website USA. gov which is federally funded. The second option is to fund through private foundations. There are going to be times that companies will have to think outside the box to experience a successful fundraising event.The most general ways to fundraise a book festival is through community events and activities. Bake sales are common for generating additional support. If there are great bakers, a bake sale fundraiser would be a good, comfortable option to raise money. Creating holiday baskets and auctioning the items off is another great way to fundraise and become profitable. Donating seasonal wreaths and displaying as a public sales has also been known to be successful. Last but not least, car washes, especially those held during the summer months, can be a quick easy way to raise money needed for upcoming events.What a great way to collect funds and help others at the same time. Some people may prefer to donate their time and efforts instead of monetarily which can be a benefit. The non-profit organization will need help situating the table for the books. Today, it’s even more important to become creative and integrate innovative ideas to fundraise. According to Susie Vigon, she suggests to, â€Å"Partner with companies or events that will donate a percentage of their earnings to your organization† (Vigon, 2006, para. 4). In addition, according to Susie, â€Å"Get a Massage for a good cause! This idea somewhat goes along with fundraising at other events. Instead of using your vendor spot for a silent auction or game of chance, get 2 massage therapists to come out and give $1 a minute chair massages. The therapists can either donate their time or do a 50-50 split with the organization. In the right venue, this can be contagious. Once people ‘see’ others getting chair massages, you will be surprised to see how fast they will want to get one too!These are just a few of the many ways you can create a buzz for your organization and fundraise at the same time by thinking outside the box. † (Vigon, 2006, para. 5). Overall fundraising for a non-profit organization requires considerable level of social networking. Building relationships, relating and sharing values, are all key aspects of building and developing a fundraising process. Book events can be very expensive to produce but can be done with the companies best partners. Regardless of what kind of non-profit organization is started, many factors can affect the outcome.The directors of such an organization must take into account its day to day operations and the status of the economy. Also vital to success of the organization, is the communities’ passion for the cause. Very little support will be given if the community as a whole does not care, or doesn’t know enough about the reason the non-profit exists. Most of the time, advertising that is done for a non-profit comes out of their own pocket, therefore giving them a very little budget for popular ways of public advertisement that for profit companies take advantage of all the time.With proper awareness, prior planning, and a worthwhile cause, the community can come together and assist the non-profit on the road to success.References Boeing hands out 1,020 layoff warnings. (2010). SeattleTimes. com Retrieved from com/html/businesstechnology/2011122372_boeing19.html†http://seattletimes. nwsource. com/html/businesstechnology/2011122372_boeing19. html Chan, S. (2009). More layoffs at Microsoft today, says company e-mail from Steve Ballmer. SeattleTimes. com Retrieved from http://blog. seattletimes. nwsource. com/techtracks/2009/05/05/more_layoffs_at_m How to cite Community Book Festival, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Research Proposal on Flexible Working Hours for Employees Essay Example

Research Proposal on Flexible Working Hours for Employees Essay Flexible working hours for employees or â€Å"flextime† is the special organization of the employee’s working day where he chooses the convenient hours for his work and does not have to spend the whole day at work. Nowadays flex-time is the most adequate policy of the developed companies, because if the employee does not have the freedom of choice and he is deprived of the initiative decisions, he will not receive the job satisfaction and will probably quit from his workplace. It is obvious that the company’s success depends on the employee’s industriousness and it is natural that every employee is productive in different hours of the day, so the employee has the right to choose the convenient working hours which would bring as much profit to the company as possible. Another reason which should persuade employers practice the policy of flex-time is the fact that employees can have other duties and activities behind work, for example, education, health problems, family problems, etc. There are moments in everybody’s life, which require missing a day or two of the job. Of course, not every profession is able to provide the employee with flexible time, because various institutions, like the police, fire brigades, the system of health care, official state occupation, clerks, etc have to spend the whole day at work without the right of choosing the convenient terms of work. Other occupations, related with the informal activity often provide their employees with flexible schedule of work: shop-assistants, servants, cooks, designers, teachers, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Flexible Working Hours for Employees specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Flexible Working Hours for Employees specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Flexible Working Hours for Employees specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The issue on flexible working hours for employees is quite important and controversial, because on the one hand such a schedule enables people to work in the convenient hours, but on the other hand, there is a risk of the lack of the organization and reduction of the quality of work. With the help of the research proposal the student is able to suggest his own point of view about flexible working hours convincing the professor in the seriousness and urgency of the chosen topic. It is wise to select and apply the best methods of the research and demonstrate to the professor the student’s maturity and soberness and the ability to collect reliable information in the up-to-date sources. The student is able to succeed in the process of writing and complete a worthy text if he uses a free example research proposal on flexible working hours for employees analyzed and designed by the experienced writer. The young professional has the chance to catch the reasonable manner of writing and the skills of the logical organization of the text with the help of a free sample research proposal on flexible working hours for employees found online. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Flexible Working Hours for Employees topics. Your proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy our professional research proposal writing service!